Back us on Kickstarter
As many of you will be aware, I have a tendency to waffle a bit in my blog/devlog posts, but really this is juat an announcement and a “thank you”.
We’ve actually gone and done it!
After months (which quite honestly felt like years) of preparations, we have finally pushed the big, green button and launched our Kickstarter campaign for Lucy Dreaming!
Go and check out the rewards on offer, and if the fancy takes you, make a pledge to support the game.
Oooh, these look nice.
Thank you all so much.
I know we’ve only just launched, and the campaign has a way to go before we’ll be celebrating or commiserating properly, but I really want to say a massive, heartfelt THANK YOU to absolutely everyone who’s supported the project so far.
Whether you’re one of the amazing people who’ve played the demo and told your friends and followers to check it out too, or if you’ve just said “hello” and been a friendly face along the way, it has all made a huge difference and kept us buoyed up.
The campaign may fall flat on its face and completely fail to fund but, regardless of that, getting to this point, and the amazing community of people I have met in the process have made this a hugely positive experience!
Thanks again!
Now fly my pretties, fly! Tell all your friends…then tell them again…and again until you don’t have any friends left, then make some more, and tell them too. Let’s make this happen!
Tom x
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