Making a start
This week I have finally started making actual "things" for the demo. Booting up Photoshop to get started on the pixel art for the first couple of scenes, getting them loaded into Visionaire and starting to get some of the rudimentary actions and dialogue linked… Continue reading
Conflict resolution
There is always going to be self doubt in any creative process. But since becoming more heavily involved in point n' click game dev it's become increasingly obvious just how many extremely talented and creative game designers there are out there, even in the world… Continue reading
Am I guilty?
Introducing the game concept and having a discussion about ethics at the same time. There's an update at the bottom. Ooh err missus. Here's the game concept for Lucy Dreaming. I don't want to give away spoilers for how some of the puzzles will work… Continue reading
Engines ready.
At some point I'm hoping to fund my new game partially via crowdfunding. But convincing the general public that I'm competent enough to deliver something interesting, creative, fun and actually playable will take some doing. I may create an hilarious deadpan video of myself looking… Continue reading
Sh*t just got real!
Well it looks like this game is actually going to happen now. I'm still new to game development but with the help of the ever-so-lovely point and click and indie game dev communities I'm going to have a stab at making a proper game. Proper… Continue reading