Jammy dodger

Over a two-week period in November, I decided to down tools on Lucy Dreaming for a while and have a go at my first "game jam". A game jam is a type of challenge where game developers and designers are tasked with building a new… Continue reading

A space adventure

Over the past few months of posting updates and questions on social media, one thing has come up more and more often. You really have to do something about that space in your verb menu! Here you can spot the offending void, next to the… Continue reading

Where are we now?

A lot of my previous posts have been opinion-pieces about my approach to game dev and storytelling, which is all well and good but I wanted to post an update about where the demo is currently up to. I'm not a patient man and I… Continue reading

It’s not for me

This project initially started out as a passionate, self-indulgent fantasy where I grandly stood on the backs of giants to create a game which included all of the things I love about point & click adventure games, with none of the bits I didn't. Through… Continue reading

A community project

After a bit of a crisis of confidence last week where the narrative of the game seemed to have evaporated into an over-complicated and vague nonsense, I brought it back with the help of my wife who managed to talk me down. A sobering reminder… Continue reading

Amusing myself

After a recent short exchange on Twitter with @DavidBFox about enjoying playing your own games, I felt like it was a good subject to waffle about myself. David sent me a link to a short post of his own on Quora where he spoke about… Continue reading

Making a game of writing a game

Firstly, apologies for not writing much for a few weeks, I've been getting my head down doing some serious nothing after working solidly without a significant break since Christmas. Brag alert: In between grey drizzle this has been my view for the past two weeks.… Continue reading

What do you want?

I greatly enjoyed playing PnC games in my younger days, but in all honesty I've not played video games of any sort for a number of years (with the exception of Thimbleweed Park which I never actually completed!) I did get through most of the… Continue reading

A quick one about verbs

A few people have asked about the verbs I've decide to use (or more specifically not use) in my game. To those who don't know what I'm talking about, it's the text commands in the bottom-left hand side of the screen ("Look at", "Pick up"… Continue reading

Pre-launch demo poll

As you're probably aware, I'm feeling my way with a lot of this stuff, so I'd really appreciate your opinions on a couple of things! [contact-form-7 id="169" title="Pre-launch demo poll"] Click here if you'd like to subscribe to emails about the project. Continue reading
